If your Cash App direct deposit isn't showing up in your account, your payment card is the first thing to check. If your payment card has expired, or if you've entered an incorrect or invalid CVV code, it may be due to a server issue. Additionally, if you have no funds in your account, it's probably because you're violating the company's terms of service. To resolve this issue, you can contact customer support or your employer.
The next step is to verify your account setup. Check your routing number. If the routing number is correct, your direct deposit should be successful. If it's not, check your account number, and make any necessary changes. Another possible reason for a Cash App direct deposit not showing up is incorrect accounting. This is also a common cause. To determine whether your routing number is correct, go to the bank's website and verify it.
If you've already set up your Cash App direct deposit with a bank, you may not be able to withdraw your money immediately. The bank will require you to wait at least five business days before your money shows up in your account. If it's pending, you should try waiting another two or three minutes. If it doesn't show up, check your direct deposit details and update your Cash App to the latest version.
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